

Why does the app crash?

There could be one or several different reasons why the FooSales apps might crash or suffer from poor performance. Due to the many ways in which WordPress can be configured and the sheer number of third-party plugins that could be active at any given time, no two sites are identical and this could contribute to […]

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I’m unable to access FooSales due to a XML-RPC file access error?

The FooSales iPad and Android tablet apps connect to your store using the FooSales REST API (primary) or WordPress XML-RPC (secondary). REST API is the preferred connection method as it is generally more stable and secure than XML-RPC. If the REST API is not accessible, the app will try to connect using XML-RPC as a fallback. FooSales uses

I’m unable to access FooSales due to a XML-RPC file access error? Read More »


    Barcodes are essentially visual representations of numbers and letters. FooSales can scan most barcode formats through the device’s built-in camera in the app or a compatible Bluetooth barcode scanner, and it will identify a product with a matching product ID, SKU or Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) such as UPC, EAN, or ISBN

Barcodes Read More »