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Barcodes are essentially visual representations of numbers and letters. FooSales can scan most barcode formats through the device’s built-in camera in the app or a compatible Bluetooth barcode scanner, and it will identify a product with a matching product ID or SKU if it exists in your store’s database.

Creating barcodes #

Your barcode needs to reflect the product ID or alphanumeric value saved in the product SKU field in WooCommerce. FooSales doesn’t generate barcodes but you can use any online barcode generator to create and print your own barcodes from the product/variation ID or the product/variation SKU as it appears in WooCommerce. When pairing the app or web app of FooSales with a handheld barcode scanner, any type of barcode that the scanner is capable of scanning can be used.

Here is a comprehensive list of all the barcode formats that are currently supported when using the tablet’s built-in camera to scan barcodes in the FooSales apps:

  • Aztec
  • Code 39
  • Code 39 Mod 43
  • Code 93
  • Code 128
  • Data Matrix
  • EAN-8
  • EAN-13
  • Interleaved 2 of 5
  • ITF 14
  • PDF 417
  • QR code
  • UPC-E
  • Aztec
  • Code 39
  • Code 93
  • Code 128
  • Data Matrix
  • EAN-8
  • EAN-13
  • ISBN
  • ITF
  • PDF 417
  • QR code
  • UPC-A
  • UPC-E

Scanning barcodes #

Barcodes can be scanned using your tablet’s built-in camera or using a handheld USB or Bluetooth barcode scanner.

When first launching the app you will presented with a notice stating that the accuracy of the scanning when using a built-in camera, is very much dependent on the speed and quality your device’s camera. Once you have confirmed that you understand this, you will be able to scan barcodes by passing them in front of the built-in camera.

Simply pass a barcode in front of the camera and the FooSales app will scan the barcode and and search for the product ID or SKU using the scanned value. If the product is identified, it will be automatically added to the cart.

You can hide the scanning window by selecting the close (X) icon and you can switch to the front facing camera using the reverse icon.

To switch to an external Bluetooth barcode scanner, simply select the Bluetooth icon. The scanner screen will then collapse and wait for a Bluetooth barcode scanner to connect and send barcode values to the app.

Barcode scanning errors #

If your tablet’s built-in camera doesn’t scan barcodes properly, we suggest that you pair a Bluetooth barcode scanner to your device as they are generally faster and more accurate.

Visit the Hardware page to see all currently supported devices

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