
payment methods

Why are the payment methods not displaying?

FooSales includes the ability to manage payment methods from within your WordPress admin area. Using the existing WooCommerce payment method management screen, you can enable/disable specific payment methods, change the display order, and give them custom titles by clicking on the Manage button. If you have already configured the FooSales payment methods and they still do not appear within the FooSales

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Does FooSales process payments or integrate with third-party card readers?

FooSales offers direct integrations with Square Terminal (all FooSales apps), Square Readers (tablet apps only) and Stripe Terminal readers to process payments. Refer to the Payments help section to learn more. If you don’t use Square or Stripe, card payments can be manually processed using any third-party card reader of your choice and set to

Does FooSales process payments or integrate with third-party card readers? Read More »

Plugin settings

To view the FooSales plugin settings, login to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to FooSales > Settings in the left sidebar. User Settings POS Customers Customer user role The FooSales apps will only fetch users with the selected roles. This can be customized by selecting other user role(s) in the multi-select box. Default Customer Select

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