

Offline Mode

The FooSales offline mode feature makes it possible to use most of the FooSales point of sales functionality without an active internet connection. This is useful for situations where your business location has limited internet access or you have a power failure and the internet goes down. It’s important to note that offline mode can

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Plugin settings

To view the FooSales plugin settings, login to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to FooSales > Settings in the left sidebar. User Settings POS Customers Customer user role The FooSales apps will only fetch users with the selected roles. This can be customized by selecting other user role(s) in the multi-select box. Default Customer Select

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We strongly recommend that you read through the documentation on Setting up Taxes in WooCommerce carefully and consult with a qualified tax practitioner if necessary before using FooSales. Setting up Taxes in WooCommerce FooSales uses the built-in WooCommerce Tax Settings when applying taxes to orders. This means that any tax settings and tax rates that have

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