Since version 1.1.0 of the FooSales web app, the way in which data is fetched and sent back to your store has changed. Previously, the FooSales web app connected to your WooCommerce store by using the WooCommerce REST API. The WooCommerce REST API authenticates through a Consumer key and Secret key that needs to be generated in the WooCommerce advanced settings panel of your WordPress admin area.
The FooSales web app now uses the custom FooSales REST API that is included in the FooSales WordPress plugin. For consistency and flexibility, this is the same API which the FooSales iPad and Android tablet apps also use.
The authentication process in the FooSales REST API works differently to the WooCommerce REST API and requires that you enter your WordPress username and password (not to be confused with your FooSales account details) instead of a Consumer key and Secret key.
Since the Consumer key and Secret key are no longer required to authenticate with FooSales, for security reasons we recommend that you revoke any keys you may have created to give users access to FooSales. If you would like to give users access to FooSales but don’t necessarily want to give them administrator privileges, you can follow our guide on setting up users with permission to access FooSales.
Read this help doc to learn how to connect the web app to your store and login to FooSales.