Frequently Asked Questions

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  5. How are taxes calculated for guest customers?

How are taxes calculated for guest customers?

By default, the FooSales POS apps will allocate any new orders to the WooCommerce Guest Customer which inherits your store’s default location. The WooCommerce Guest Customer uses your store’s address to determine the guest customer’s tax location. You can set your address under ‘WooCommerce -> Settings -> General‘.

If you’ve set a tax rate for your State under ‘WooCommerce -> Settings -> Tax -> Standard Rates‘ then FooSales will use this tax rate. If there is no tax rate set for your State then no tax will be added.

Alternatively, if you need your physical store to use a different default tax location to the online store’s location, you can create a user/customer profile (e.g. ‘POS Guest Customer’) and set that customer as the default customer. To do so, login to your website and navigate to FooSales > Settings > Customers and set the Default Customer option to the relevant customer profile.

We strongly recommend that you read through the documentation on Setting up Taxes in WooCommerce carefully and consult with a qualified tax practitioner if necessary before using FooSales.

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